The pricing system employed on the Ethereum network is referred to as gas. This mechanism determines the expenses (fees) associated with carrying out a transaction or carrying out a smart contract function. While the Ethereum network is powered by the cryptocurrency ether (ETH), a special unit called gas is utilized to calculate how much "work" (or computational resources) is needed to complete a certain task. The cost of gas will naturally be higher for laborious procedures than for less laborious ones. Although fees are still paid in ether (ETH), it should be noted that gas and ETH are two separate things. To put it simply, computations are evaluated in terms of "gas cost". On the other side, there is a "gas price" for each unit of gas that is specified in ether (ETH). As a result, there is a distinct "gas price" for each unit of gas in every transaction. In other words, the cost of gas equals the quantity of work, and the cost of gas equals the amount paid for "each hour" of work. The relationship between these two, in addition to the gas cap, determines the overall cost of an operation or transaction. Therefore, it makes sense to pay more for gas if you need your transaction to be validated quickly so that validators (miners) will be motivated to do so before others. Similarly to this, establishing a low gas price would discourage miners from validating your transaction, which will result in it getting stuck. The gas pricing mechanism is crucial because it ensures that costs are being assessed in a reasonable and fair manner. As a result, it stops money from being squandered on activities that are not beneficial to the Ethereum network. Because the price of gas is made up of such tiny quantities, it is important to note that it is frequently stated in "gwei" rather than ETH, where 1 gwei is equal to 0.000000001 (or 10-9) ETH.