AI Insights for Your Portfolio
Sync your most used exchanges and wallets automatically to your Metavest. Track your portfolios and get AI insights in real-time.

Manage your portfolio
with confidence
We take care of the complex parts while you are only focusing on making the best decisions with your money.

- Easy connection to your portfolio
- Track your portfolio and discover risks
- Get real-time AI Insight notifications
TradFi toolset meets crypto
Future of economy is near. Let AI help you to manage your portfolio and leverage the portfolio management methods from TradFi.
Let us find the best opportunities in the market for you
Optimize your portfolio using wealth management assistant
Stay ahead of the trends in the market with notifications and community channels
Smarter portfolios
Unlock insights and stay ahead of the market with cutting-edge tools.
- Automated Portfolio Sync
Seamless link to your wallets and exchange accounts.
- Real-Time Insights
Track performance and receive actionable intelligence instantly.
- Yield Optimisation
Discover latest top yields to maximize returns.
- Risk Monitoring
Detect asset correlations, Value at Risk (VaR) and drawdowns.

So, how much would you have made?
- Speak with your portfolio
Transform complex data into simple, actionable strategies.
- Tailor-tailed suggestions
Personalized recommendations to your spesific needs and positions in the market.
- Protect your data
Read only access, biometric app security, and data encryption built on battle-tested infrastructure.

- Q1 2025Public Launch
Web3 wallet connection, exchange integrations and first AI insight products will be available
- Q2 2025Getting Ready to Scale
Getting our infrastructure ready to scale and integrate with 20+ wallet and exchanges.
- Q3 2025Personal CFO
Metavest will act as your personal CFO, understanding your risk appetite.
Metavest App is live!
The number of Metavest users and tracked portfolios are growing. Download Metavest App and join for limitless financial opportunities now!
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