Wealth management is about to change for good.

We are Metavest, your gateway to web3 funds.

We are Metavest: a team dedicated to be the pioneers of the future of the finance by creating the easiest-to-use platform available yet on the emerging market of DeFi. We believe that the future is closer than ever with the latest trends and developments in crypto that allow the users to change how they live. The future starts here, now. It’s time to get invested in it.

  • 10K+
  • $1M+
    Cumulative staking volume
  • 50+
    Countries supported
  • 250K+
    Social Community
  • 30+
    Assets & strategies

What is all the fuss about?

Portfolio Management

Simplifiying non-tech-savy users’ decision-making and investment proccesses

Competitive Rates

Using DeFi-backed assets to offer competitive rates & power of non-intermediary finance

Access to Private & Hedge Funds

Enabling retail investors to access different types of crypto funds

Fiat On/Off Ramp Solutions

Integrating fiat currencies with multiple local stablecoins to facilitate on/off ramp operations

Partnered with the Top Actors in the Field

  • bilira
  • transfero
  • BRZ Token
  • fireblocks
  • sumsub

Featured In


Simplified to the bits

Our team of designers have created the easiest-to-use neo-banking app yet. Explore Metavest’s capability of simplifying the most complex while earning right away.
Join Metavest