A candlestick is a graphic representation of the price movement of a trading instrument. It makes it possible for chartists and traders to view the open, high, low, and closing prices over a specific time period. Candlestick charts can be used for other types of data analysis, although they were initially created as a tool that makes studying financial markets easier. Candlesticks are said to have been created in the 17th century by Japanese traders. For instance, a 1-hour chart consists of a number of candlesticks, each of which reflects a 1-hour market movement. Each candlestick displays the opening and closing prices as well as the high and low price points (represented by the long lines above and below the body, also known as the wicks). Depending on which way the market is moving, candlesticks have a particular disposition of the closing and opening price as well as various colors. Ascending candlesticks are typically depicted in green or black (filled). Usually, candlesticks that descend are either hollow white or red. An ascending candle's upper wick represents the highest traded price at that moment. Last price of that period's trading. Open: During that period, the starting price was exchanged. Lower wick: lowest price ever traded at that moment. The highest traded price at that time is indicated by the upper wick of a lowering candle. Open: During that period, the starting price was exchanged. Last price of that period's trading. Lower wick: lowest price ever traded at that moment. Of all the numerous types of charts, the candlestick chart is likely the one that traders and chartists use the most. Maybe because candlestick charts are easier to understand visually than conventional line and bar charts. Since they were first created, candlestick charts have been utilized and studied in great detail, and they currently have a big impact on the financial markets. Therefore, understanding how to read candlesticks and how to spot their patterns is one of the most essential and significant steps for any aspiring trader.