The highly individualized feeling about the state of a market is referred to as sentiment (or market sentiment) in the field of finance. It is the general reaction that investors and traders have to the price movement of a specific asset. Basically, a variety of things contribute to market sentiment. It could contain data obtained from technical analysis (TA) and fundamental analysis (FA) indicators. In the process, recent news and price history may also be important. Although they are closely related, market mood and fundamental analysis are two quite different concepts. Fundamental analysis is more closely tied to the performance of a specific company or cryptocurrency project (such as reputation and market capitalization) than sentiment, which is more related to psychology and emotions. Market mood is seen by many traders and chartists as a reliable predictor of prospective short- and medium-term price fluctuations. In general, the market tends to revert and begin moving in the opposite direction when mood is extremely gloomy (bearish) or overly enthusiastic (bullish). In other words, the market often rises when most traders are negative and down when most traders are more bullish than is reasonable to regard as usual. Market sentiment may so frequently serve as a type of contrarian indication. One of the things that contrarian traders look for is the mood of the market. If the majority is bullish, they may think about selling or shorting. However, if mood is overly pessimistic, they might think about investing or starting a long position. In conclusion, it can be said that the two main emotions that drive the financial market—fear and greed—are the cause of market sentiment. In addition, market mood is a crucial aspect of market psychology. By utilizing the findings and information from disciplines like behavioral finance and behavioral economics, efforts have recently been undertaken to precisely assess and quantify market emotion.