A token offering in return for another coin. The initiation of a new cryptocurrency is also known as an ICO.
Altcoin is the term given to describe alternative digital assets, such as a coin or token that is not Bitcoin. This nomenclature comes from the idea that Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and that all others are then considered “alternate” or “alternative” coins.
Candidate Block
In a few words, a candidate block is a block that a mining node (miner) is trying to mine in order to receive the block reward. So a candidate block may be described as a temporary block that will be either validated or discarded by the network. Miners compete with each other to validate the next block and add it to the blockchain, but first, they have to create a candidate block to participate in the mining competition.
Fiat money, often known as fiat currency, is money that a government has recognized as legal tender and that it supports.