Passive management, often known as indexing, is an investing approach that doesn't rely on active exposure, as the name suggests. Instead, it seeks to mirror a market index, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) or the S&P 500. The basic tenet of passive management is that since it is extremely unlikely that humans will continually outperform the market, they should instead passively "go along with it." The efficient-market hypothesis (EMH), which contends that present market prices accurately reflect all available information and that people cannot, over the long run, outperform the market, is consistent with this theory. Passive investment, in contrast to active portfolio management, doesn't rely on arbitrary human judgment because there are no attempts to profit from market inefficiencies. As a result, passive management is not dependent on a certain collection of assets. The fund management instead seeks to follow a market index. The primary benefits of passive portfolio management are its cheaper fees, lower operating expenses, and fewer risks. A passive investment technique often creates a long-term portfolio that mimics the performance of an index of the stock market. Mutual and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are frequently connected with investment funds that employ this method. As a result, the likelihood of success of such a method depends on the performance of a much wider market, which is represented by a certain index. In essence, this means that while choosing assets, passive management is free from human mistakes. Because of their cheaper expenses, passive portfolio management solutions historically outperformed aggressive investments. In recent decades, interest in passive investment has increased, particularly in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.